A first mention in GQ Magazine for This May Help You Understand The World by Lawrence Potter. A book that contains my first ever index. It's not really legible in the picture but GQ calls This May . . . 'fun' and also mentions the chapter about George W. Bush's intellect (Is Bush Actually Stupid?) discovering Lawrence's perhaps surpising finding that Mr Bush scored just as well or better at school/university than predecessors and political rivals. Although anyone persuaded by this info to begin looking at the 43rd president of the United States in a new light might be put off by the article immediately above it rating politician's most famous jokes. Orators such as William Hague and Michael Howard score highly whilst the president's featured piece was an impression of a woman whose execution he authorised whilst Governor of Texas: '"Please" he cried in mock desperation, "don't kill me"'. He received 0/5. There's no doubt about his importance though; he's one of the top three listed in my firsteverindex.
We've also sent out review copies of The Bookaholics Guide to Book Blogs . We hope that people enjoy it and send apologies to those who weren't included but feel they should have been. I've already fielded one or two queries so replicate here what I said to them:
Thanks for your email, it seems that you're one
> > of what will inevitably be a list of people
> > disappointed not to have been mentioned. And this
> > before we've even sent out a single review copy.
> > The Bookaholics Guide never set out to be a comprehensive who's
> who
> > of literary bloggers but is a
> survey
> > of a fascinating phenomenon. Many very good
> writers
> > have been left out and I'm sorry that you were one
> of
> > them – the bloggers that are there were included
> > either because they seemed representative of
> > particular kind of blog or movement or because a
> > certain piece served to illustrate a point made in
> the
> > book. Certainly many of the blogs that are
> mentioned
> > have links to other blogs and the book generally
> can
> > only encourage more people to seek out the best
> blogs
> > around.
Hope that clears things up!